Thursday, 14 October 2010

Trips, trips..

Tonight I counted with friends how much time we have left in this country: 9 weeks!! And then there was panic.. How on earth are we going to do all the stuff we want to do?

This weekend I'm heading to Jeju Island which is located in the south of Korean peninsula. Some call it the Korean Hawaii and it's supposed to be totally different from other places in Korea.

But the most exciting trip is going to be in November when I'll be traveling to Tokyo with my AWESOME exchange FAMILY. First I wasn't suppose to travel to Japan, but with reasonably priced tickets I just couldn't say no. And of course Christmas in Bali!

With all the plans going to a temple stay weekend, field trip, Seoul and other crazy expeditions I'll guess that next time I'll be sleeping is in Finland, next year.

By the way, I've also been able to do a little school work as well.. The mid-term papers are submitted and next week I'll start my mid-term exams. This is the first time in years that I haven't been stressing about exams and papers. It's a little bit odd since all the time I see Korean students doing 12 hour days with their schoolwork and still it seems that it isn't enough. Maybe it's because I'm used to not sleeping in the class during lectures :) Here it's quite normal..

Good luck with the weather in Finland, I'm still waiting for the proper Autumn to come..